Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March 30

Tomorrow is surgery day.  I've been packing, cleaning, and smothering Jake with extra love and kisses for days in preparation for tomorrow.

My mother in law wrote a blog about it that made me just cry - Lollie's Blog

We have to be at the hospital at 5:45 in the morning and his surgery should start at 7, so by 9 I hope to be able to finally breathe again.

I wanted to write something meaningful and fantastic today (I know - that would be a nice change from the usual blah of this blog), but I guess I'm just tapped.

I know he'll be fine, but I really just need it to be here and be over with.

Please say a prayer for Jake and I look forward to the joyous blog that all is right in my world and my little boy is on the road to recovery!


1 comment:

  1. What a cute picture!

    Love you Jake!

    See you tomorrow!

    XOXOX Lollie
